"ENT Center of the Republic of Belarus"

Онлайн-заказ талона на платный прием

Онлайн-заказ выписки из медицинских документов

Электронные обращения гражданина и юридического лица

Показания для направления пациентов в РНПЦ на консультацию, обследование и лечение

Иностранным гражданам





No.ServiceUnit of Measurement RateCost of MedicinesCost of ConsumablesTotal, BYN
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
2,1 Irrigation of the ear canal manipulation 10,95 0,04 0,04 11,03
2,2 Removal of ear wax manipulation 30,05 0,04 0,13 30,22
2,3 Removal of a foreign body from the ear manipulation 56,67 0,51 0,04 57,22
2,4 Ear inflation using Politzer method (1 session) manipulation 10,95 1,10 0,08 12,13
2,5 Ear inflation using catheter + administration of a medication (1 session) manipulation 30,86 2,08 0,18 33,12
2,6 Myringotomy (paracentesis) manipulation 73,43 1,12 1,04 75,59
2,7 Acumetry (assessment of hearing acuity by whisper speech and tuning forks) manipulation 10,94 0,00 0,00 10,94
2,8 Audiometry manipulation 30 0,03 0,01 30,04
2,9 Impedancemetry manipulation 28,92 0,03 0,01 28,96
2,10 Irrigation of the ear using attic cannula manipulation 30,10 0,58 0,18 30,86
2,11 Massage of the eardrum manipulation 15,02 0,03 0,01 15,06
2,12 Ear cleaning manipulation 15,02 0,26 0,03 15,31
2,13 Incision of an abscessed boil in the external ear canal manipulation 62,08 0,50 1,78 64,36
2,14 Primary surgical treatment of a wound manipulation 43,92 4,25 1,12 49,29
2,15 Treatment of nasal, pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa with medications manipulation 19,15 0,30 0,10 19,55
2,16 Irrigation of tonsil lacunae manipulation 35,61 2,91 1,14 39,66
2,17 Radicautery of inferior nasal conchae manipulation 121,35 0,98 1,68 124,01
2,18 Removal of a foreign body from the hypopharynx manipulation 60,20 1,15 0,95 62,30
2,19 Intralaryngeal infusion of medications manipulation 27,01 0,47 0,19 27,67
2,20 Maxillary sinus puncture manipulation 57,47 2,23 1,14 60,84
2,21 Removal of a foreign body from the nose manipulation 58,77 1,20 0,96 60,93
2,22 Incision of abscessed nasal boils manipulation 65,68 0,72 1,80 68,20
2,23 Anemisation of nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa manipulation 16,41 0,75 0,04 17,20
2,24 Anesthesia of mucosa manipulation 9,56 1,25 0,12 10,93
2,25 Application of dressing manipulation 15,02 0,77 0,67 16,46
2,26 Anterior nasal packing manipulation 41,55 0,43 1,14 43,12
2,27 Extension of a peritonsillar abscess manipulation 41,55 1,34 0,92 43,81
2,28 Radicautery of papillomas (granulation tissue) of oropharynx, nose manipulation 57,47 1,19 1,68 60,34
2,29 Manual reposition of nasal bones in case of fracture + packing+ dressing manipulation 105,35 1,35 1,12 107,82
2,30 Vacuum-assisted drainage of the paranasal sinuses according to Zonderman and Proetz manipulation 32,84 2,20 2,70 37,74
2,31 Incision of peritonsillar abscesses manipulation 77,63 1,38 1,58 80,59
2,33 Removal of sutures manipulation 36,60 0,27 1,03 37,90
2,36 Video endoscopy of ENT organs manipulation 28,47 0,03 0,03 28,53
2,43 Prescription of a hearing aid manipulation 86,68 0,03 0,02 86,73
2,44 Microscopic examination of the ear manipulation 10,22 0,03 0,01 10,26
2,46 Rhinomanometry manipulation 52,46 0,03 0,01 52,50
2,47 Tympanometry manipulation 10,95 0,03 0,01 10,99
2,48 Recording of the evoked otoacoustic emission manipulation 103,36 0,03 0,01 103,40
2,49 Recording of short- latency auditory evoked potentials manipulation 200,14 0,03 0,01 200,18
2,50 Recording of short- latency auditory evoked potentials during induced sleep manipulation 274,07 0,03 0,01 274,11
3 Collection of samples for laboratory tests manipulation        
3,1 Impression smear from the hypopharynx for cytology manipulation 13,65 0,03 0,04 13,72
3,2 Sample from the nose for eosinophils manipulation 13,65 0,03 0,05 13,73
3,3 Sample for microbiology test manipulation 16,41 0,03 0,05 16,49

"РНПЦ Оториноларингологии"