Methods of Payment
Raschet AIS ERIP is the payment system implemented by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus with a view to facilitating acceptance of payments made by individuals and legal entities (official website:, call-center: 141).
You may make payments at ATMs, interactive kiosks, online banks, banks, mobile banking, etc. with the help of Raschet system.
You may pay for our goods/services in cash, e-money or by credit cards in banks and using remote banking services.
If you make a payment in a bank, please, inform a bank teller that the payment is to be made with the help of Raschet system (ERIP).
Payment Procedure:
Minsk--> Social Services, Health Care --> Republican Research and Practice Centers --> Republican Center for Research and Practice in Otolaryngology --> enter the number of your contract
To make a payment:
- Select “Settlement System” (ERIP)
- Select the following tabs (one by one): Minsk --> Social Services, Health Care --> Republican Research and Practice Centers --> Republican Center for Research and Practice in Otolaryngology
- Enter the number of your contract, full name and amount
- Check the entered data
- Make the payment.