"ENT Center of the Republic of Belarus"

Онлайн-заказ талона на платный прием

Онлайн-заказ выписки из медицинских документов

Электронные обращения гражданина и юридического лица

Показания для направления пациентов в РНПЦ на консультацию, обследование и лечение

Иностранным гражданам




Procedure for the provision of the paid services

Appointments for tests and consultations

Any citizen may receive information on the services and prices for the services, medical specialists’ qualification, reception hours, payment procedure, terms and conditions of the contract, and other information on the medical services at the reception located on the 2nd floor of the consultation clinic.

The procedure for the provision of the paid services to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreign citizens

  1. To get information on a medical service, please, call on  (+375 17) 242-42-46, (+375 17) 242-42-47 or visit the reception (where information on the paid services is provided).
  2. A patient shall make an appointment for a consultation or an examination (test). The prices for the paid services are specified in the approved price list for the medical services.
  3. All tests shall be made either at the request of a patient (provided that there are no contraindications for such a test) or in accordance with a doctor’s letter.
  4. Any service shall be provided in accordance with a contract made between a patient and the center (in two copies: one copy for a patient and one copy for the center) and the receipt.
  5. All payments for the services shall be made in Room 211 (cash desk) in Belarusian rubles and in accordance with the applicable price list. A receipt, confirming the payment for a medical service, shall be issued to a payer.
  6. A patient’s medical record is to be made by a specialist at the reception.

"РНПЦ Оториноларингологии"