"ENT Center of the Republic of Belarus"

Онлайн-заказ талона на платный прием

Онлайн-заказ выписки из медицинских документов

Электронные обращения гражданина и юридического лица

Показания для направления пациентов в РНПЦ на консультацию, обследование и лечение

Иностранным гражданам




Consultation clinic

Working Hours

from 7.00am to 8.00pm (2 shifts)

Working Days:

  • Appointments, examinations and treatment: 8.00am – 8.00pm
  • Reception: 7.30am – 8.00pm

Saturdays (in accordance with the schedule):

  • Reception: 7.45am – 2.15 pm
  • Appointments: 8.00am – 2.00pm

Every day patients may make an appointment with a speech-language therapist in- person or by phone:

  • +375 17 242 42 46,
  • +375 17 242 42 47.

Deputy Director for Outpatient Issues

Svetlana I. Sidelova

The core activities of the Consultation Clinic are:

  • effective and timely detection of diseases;
  • treatment approaches;
  • selection of patients for admission to hospital.

Pursuant to Bylaw No.44 “On admission of patients to healthcare institutions” as of April 2, 2005 approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, and with a view to improving the quality of health care services provided to the patients with ENT diseases, since January 1, 2015 any patient shall have the following documents to make an appointment with a medical specialist of the Republican Center for Research and Practice in Otolaryngology:

  1. referral from a relevant healthcare institution (the objective shall be specified);
  2. extract form the medical record, including such data as the course of disease, results of examinations (tests), prescribed treatment;
  3. audiogram (for the patients with hearing pathologies);
  4. CT image of the paranasal sinuses (for the patients with pathologies of the nose);
  5. photofluorography (made in the last year).

!!! If patients fail to provide any of the above documents, they will have to pay for the appointment.

Rooms of:

  • Neurology;
  • Ophthalmology;
  • Speech-Language Pathologies;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy;
  • Acupuncture

There is the day patient department for 16 patients,

  • day surgery department for 5 patients,
  • inpatient department of audiology and phoniatrics for 6 patients (for the patients with acute sensorineural disorders),
  • inpatient department of psychoneurology for 5 patients.

The mission of the team of the Consultation Clinic is to examine and consult a patient as thoroughly and effectively as possible within one visit.

The Consultation Clinic provides the following services:

  1. consultations with medical specialists: otolaryngologists, audiologists, phoniatricians, prosthetic care specialist, neurologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, acupuncture specialist, hyperbaric oxygen therapy specialist, physical therapy specialist, speech-language therapist;
  2. consultations with the scientists and researches of the Department of Otolaryngology of Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, chief non-staff specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus;
  3. selection of the patients for admission to inpatient healthcare institutions.

Structure of the Consultation Clinic

  • Department of Otolaryngology (Audiology) for Children
  • Department of Otolaryngology (Audiology) for Adult Patients
  • Hearing Aid Department
  • Department of Phoniatrics
  • Department of Psychoneurology
  • Day patient department

"РНПЦ Оториноларингологии"