"ENT Center of the Republic of Belarus"

Онлайн-заказ талона на платный прием

Онлайн-заказ выписки из медицинских документов

Электронные обращения гражданина и юридического лица

Показания для направления пациентов в РНПЦ на консультацию, обследование и лечение

Иностранным гражданам




Department of Otolaryngology for Adult Patients

Ivan i. Gornostay

Chief of the Department

Phone: +375 (17) 200-42-85

The capacity of the department is 60 beds. It consists of 20 wards, including 4 private wards and 4 enhanced comfort semiprivate wards (TV set, fridge, WC).

The department has the following equipment:

  • endoscopic equipment;
  • diagnostic inspection microscope;
  • otolaryngologists’ workplaces.

Elective patients are admitted to hospital by prior registration (self-paid patients are admitted to hospital out of turn).

The specialists of the department perform treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with ENT diseases such as:

  • chronic suppurative otitis media, secretory otitis media, otosclerosis, sensorineural disorders, vestibuloplasty, middle ear tumors;
  • voice disorders: laryngeal tumors, pareses and paralyses of vocal cords, chronic laryngeal and tracheal stenosis, functional aphonia, dysphonia;
  • nasal and paranasal pathologies.

The following surgeries are carried out in the department.

Middle and internal ear microsurgery:

  • Cochlear implantation;
  • middle ear implantation with Vibrant system;
  • implantation with bone-anchored hearing aids (BAHA system);
  • septoplasty, all types of tympanoplasty, including placement of middle ear implants;
  • plastic surgery – otoplasty, including placement of silicone ear implants with titanium pillars;

High-tech and plastic laryngeal and tracheal surgeries (using microlaryngoscopy, video endoscopy, laser equipment).

Sanitation and plastic nasal and paranasal sinus surgery using endoscopic equipment, microscope, radio-wave surgery, removal of nasolacrimal duct obstruction (endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy);

Pharyngeal surgery: adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy.

Comprehensive surgery for rhonchopathy (snoring), night apnea.

Core scientific and research activities:

  • development of an evidence based procedure for early diagnosis of hearing impairment in patients, development of a comprehensive system for early detection of hearing disorders;
  • development of the assessment criteria used for the selection of patients, who will undergo hearing improvement procedures (placement of digital hearing aids, bone-anchored implantation, vibroplasty, Cochlear implantation);
  • development of high-tech methods of treatment of the patients with hearing impairment and introduction of such methods into everyday practice;
  • improvement of the efficiency of surgical and non-surgical treatment of the patients with chronic suppurative otitis media, development of new reconstructive surgeries for the middle ear with the help of perforated titanium plates and their use in practice;
  • development of the procedure for the examination and treatment of the patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and its practical use;
  • development of the procedure for the diagnosis and further differential treatment of the patients with polypoid sinusitis and introduction of the procedure into everyday use;
  • practical use of endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy used for the removal of nasolacrimal duct obstruction.

"РНПЦ Оториноларингологии"