Ivan i. Gornostay

Chief of the Department
Chief of the Department of Otolaryngology for Adult Patients
- 1991-1997, Grodno State Medical Institute, degree in General Medicine;
- 2000-2002, special clinical residency program in Otolaryngology at Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education;
Experience in the field: 20 years
International trainings:
- 2007, on-the-job training at Wurzburg clinic (Wurzburg, Germany);
- June 2012, Master class in Vestibular Pathology, Marseille, France;
- 2008, participant of the All-Russian Research and Practice Conference “100 years of the Russian Otolaryngology: achievements and prospects”;
- 2004, participant of the 2nd seminar “Selected issues of applied otoplasty” led by S.Y. Kosyakov, Doctor of Medicine (Moscow, Russia);
- Participant of the 21st assembly of the International Academy of Otolaryngologists ‑ head and neck surgery;
- 2007, Participant of Ukrainian Scientific Society of Otolaryngologists, Allergy of ENT organs (Crimea).
Scientific publications: 15
Reports: 8
Core Activities: endoscopic sinus surgery