Svetlana G. Kachanova

Speech and language (voice disorder) teacher, Department of Phoniatrics of the Consultation Clinic
Education: A.M. Gorky Minsk State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Defectology, degree in “speech and language teaching in special needs school”
Experience in the field: 41 years, higher qualification category
International trainings:
- October 1976, on-the-job training in Phonopedics at Otolaryngology Research Institute (Saint-Petersburg, Russia);
- November 1977, Oncology Research Institute (Tallinn, Estonia);
- October, 1988, Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry;
- December 2016, West Tallinn Central Hospital;
- March 31-April 1, 1988, International Conference on Rehabilitation of the Patients with Brain and Neck Tumors (Vilnius, Lithuania);
- 1991, International Congress of Phoniatricians (Kiev, Ukraine).
Scientific publications: 5
Reports: 5
Rational proposals: 1
Patent of invention No.17975 “Treatment of voice disorder in patients with the dysfunction of soft palate” as of October 30, 2013
Core Activities:
- voice and respiratory function recovery in patients with paresis and various laryngeal paralyses;
- correction of speech and language disorders caused by the dysfunction of soft palate;
- restoration of esophageal speech after laryngectomy.